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...Tommy Henriksen den Gesang von Alice Cooper imitieren kann? Bei der Entstehung von "Rise" sang er die Titel zur Probe, um sie dann von Alice begutachten zu lassen.
Tommy Henriksen is able to imitate Alice Cooper's singing in such a way that he recorded the songs during the creation of the "Rise" Album and then send them to Alice to let them check from him .
(Information from an interview with Joe Perry, 2019, Consequence)... Tommy sagt: "Ich war in so vielen Bands, ich habe so viele Arten von Musik gespielt, ich sah aus wie so viele verschiedene Leute – manchmal denke ich, bin ich das?"
Tommy says: "I have been like in so many bands, I played so many types of music, I looked like so many different people – sometimes I go is that me?" (Ryan Roxies Big Rock Talk 2016)
Tommy´s Allzeit-Lieblingsalbum ist Peter Gabriels "So" aus dem Jahr 1986. Seine Lieblingssongs sind Father, Son und Blood of Eden.
Tommy's all-time favorite album is Peter Gabriel's "So" from 1986. His favorite songs are Father, Son and Blood of Eden.